Our Commitment to Sustainability

Embracing Sustainability: Our Pledge to a Greener Future

Closet Coach

Last Update één jaar geleden


At Size Wise™️ Closet Coach, we recognize the urgent need to address the environmental impact of the fashion industry. We are committed to sustainability and take proactive steps to minimize waste, reduce carbon emissions, and promote responsible consumption. 

In this article, we will outline our dedication to sustainability and the initiatives we undertake to make a positive difference in the fashion ecosystem.

The Challenge of Fashion Returns

The fashion industry is plagued by high return rates, which contribute significantly to environmental harm. According to research, returned clothing generates more annual carbon dioxide emissions than three million cars in the US alone. 

Additionally, the industry produces over 92 million tonnes of textile waste each year, which takes decades to decompose and releases harmful substances into the environment.

Reducing Waste through Responsible Practices

We understand the detrimental impact of textile waste and are committed to minimizing it. Unlike some retailers who resort to liquidation or landfilling of returns, we adopt alternative approaches to ensure the sustainable handling of products. 

We prioritize shopping your closet whenever possible, either through our platform or other channels, to extend your item's lifecycle and reduce waste.

Transitioning towards a Circular Fashion Economy

Size Wise™️ Closet Coach is actively working towards a circular fashion economy, where products are designed, produced, and consumed in a closed-loop system. 

By promoting product longevity and reducing waste, we aim to minimize the environmental footprint of the fashion industry. Our commitment extends beyond reducing returns to encompass sustainable sourcing, supporting eco-friendly brands, and encouraging conscious consumer choices.

Educating and Empowering Consumers

We believe that consumer awareness and participation are vital for driving sustainable change. Through our knowledge base, blog articles, and social media platforms, we provide educational resources and practical tips to help our customers make informed, sustainable choices. By empowering individuals to embrace responsible fashion practices, we can collectively create a greener future.

Collaborating for Impact

Addressing the challenges of sustainability requires collaborative efforts. We actively seek partnerships with like-minded organizations, brands, and industry stakeholders who share our commitment to sustainability. 

Together, we can drive innovation, advocate for systemic change, and amplify the impact of our collective actions.

Continual Improvement

We recognize that sustainability is an ongoing journey, and we are dedicated to continually improving our practices. We regularly evaluate our processes, explore new technologies, and implement best practices to minimize waste and reduce our carbon footprint. We remain vigilant in our quest to embrace sustainability at every level of our operations.

Join Us on the Sustainable Fashion Journey

At Size Wise™️ Closet Coach, we invite you to join us on our sustainable fashion journey. Together, we can transform the industry and pave the way for a greener future. By choosing Size Wise™️ Closet Coach, you are not only embracing fashion and fit but also contributing to a healthier planet. Let's create a more sustainable and conscious fashion ecosystem, one closet at a time.

Referenced articles: 

• https://nrf.com/research/2022-consumer-returns-retail-industry  


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