Shop with Confidence and Find Clothes That Fit with A Size Wise™️ Profile

Tailor Your Wardrobe to Your Unique Body Type and Preferences with our Innovative Sizing System

Closet Coach

Last Update setahun yang lalu

Your Size Wise™️ Profile is a unique feature that revolutionizes the way we shop for clothes. With just a simple swipe of the finger, you can update your profile and shop for styles that fit your unique body type and preferences.

At Size Wise™️ Closet Coach, we understand that when it comes to clothes shopping and fitting, everyone has different tastes. That's why our Size Wise™️ Profile lets you change your size at any time, giving you the flexibility to tailor your wardrobe to your needs. It's a must-have for anyone who wants to shop for clothes that fit, feel confident, and save money on returns.

So why do you need a Size Wise™️ Profile? 

Because you're different. The smartest way to sort clothes is by size. With your profile, you can create your shopping experience to your dimensions and favorite brands, ensuring that you find clothes that fit your unique body type and style preferences.

So how does the Size Wise™️ Profile work? 

We compare your measurements to the size charts of your favorite brands, organizing your clothes by size. 

To change or update your Size Profile, there are two easy ways:

Log into your account and navigate to the profile page to add or update your measurements. Open the size modal on the shop page, and select 'Measure up' to add or update your measurements.

You can enter up to 15 key dimensions in centimeters or inches, including height, head, neck, shoulders, arm, chest, waist, bust, underbust, hips, high hips, low hips, inseam, thigh, and foot. The more sizes you add, the better the results will be when searching for products.

In short, the Size Wise™️ Profile is a powerful tool that enables you to shop for clothes that fit your unique body type and style preferences. Try it out today and start building a wardrobe that suits your needs.

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